So Who’s Going to Mind the Shop..?

By Tim Bean –

The problem of ‘Succession Planning’ is one faced by many small and family-sized businesses – but larger companies and corporations are not immune.  In fact the bigger the business, the darker the storm that looms on the horizon, threatening even the most successful firms.

As I explain below, there is a solution that may help…

PS: Has stress affected you negatively recently? To find out how you can deal better with stress, fire up energy, boost resilience and build recovery, check out our new book “The Wealthy Body in Business (Bloomsbury, London) due out April 6th!


Running Around in Circles? What Rats Can Teach Us About Stress…

Wow – at a recent medical conference I was speaking at in Taiwan, a fascinating study came to light you really have to hear about. To save time, here’s the Executive Summary and our own conclusions:

Has stress affected you negatively recently? To find out how you can deal better with stress, fire up energy, boost resilience and build recovery, check out our new book The Wealthy Body in Business (Bloomsbury, London) due out April 6th!
