A Good Feeling in Your Gut…


Ever since probiotics became popular, the market has been FLOODED with products that are weak, under-spec’d and often barely effective.

We subscribe to Consumer Labs, an independent testing laboratory, which recently ran a test on 43 different probiotic brands. And of the 43 probiotics they tested, many of them contained only HALF of the amount of live bacteria that the label claimed. So you might be paying $40 for a probiotic, but only getting half the value you thought!

Maybe it would be better to source natural, full-strength probiotics by regularly eating fermented foods…?

Here’s a list of the 10 healthiest fermented foods and vegetables that will get your gut biome really working well (in no particular order – they’re all good!):

1.  Kefir. Kefir is a fermented milk product (cow, goat or sheep milk) that tastes like a drinkable yogurt
2.  Kombucha
3.  Sauerkraut
4.  Pickles
5.  Miso
6.  Tempeh
7.  Natto
8.  Kimchi
9.  Raw cheese, made with goats milk, or un-pasteurised sheeps milk
10.  Bio-live unsweetened yogurt

There’s more information, discussion and strategic action points for optimising your gut health in our latest book“The Wealthy Body in Business” out now. Order your copy HERE

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